Mirrors & Anomalies - VER 1.
A real, bonified tape. This tape is primarily folky, indie, singer-songwriter genre tracking songs from 2009-2024. Slightly off and experimental, going back to 1995-2005 influences of Jewel Pieces of You, song like Blue Orchid White Stripes and Peaches by Presidents of the USA; and of course Dylan. Not that it fully sounds like any of those things. A tape that maybe could fit into the uirky, off kilter sounds of Y2K? In a dream, in a dream.

Featuring an acoustic guitar trying to do electric parts, playing-in-band-newbie, candidness, and hopefully touching lyrics mostly related to 'looking for love in all the wrong places' and a sense of not really knowing where one is in life.
Mixed by Austin James Scott. Drums by my sister Sara. Bass by Brandon Lake. Encouragement and word-spreading by Kitschy Spirit.
There are just 70 copies in this first print run.
Listen to WNMU local radio segment here.

Released with Kitschy Spirit Records

Based in Calumet, MI

Tape Insert Art

  • Mirrors & Anomalies

    Can you take away this fear?
    Can you keep the happiness near?
    It's daunting, I know, all the fear I show, all the fear I hold
    It's just mirrors and anomalies
    All this fear is hear to bind me
    But I hope if I hold your hand then we will always stand

    Do I mystify this life?
    Do I know how to make things right?
    It's simple, I know, all I gotta do is go, go, go, go, go.
    You say close your eyes and fall asleep, all of the world will give you what you need.

    Can you take a way this fear?
    Can you keep the happiness near?
    It's simple I know, all I gotta do is go, go, go, go, go
    It's just mirrors and anomalies
    I'll just close my and fall asleep
    Then I won't see the lies you're telling me
    All of the world will give me what I need
    And I hope if I hold your hand then we will always stand.

  • Deep Ossuaries

    The smell of cedars boughs 'gainst the aqua of a demon well.
    The lake wind kicked at the faces of young lovers rustling in leaves and the bruises spread out their purple.
    We rolled our ankles on the stony beach.
    I would never leave until I did. I was a liar, I was a kid. Oh, how I did love you in those moments. Infatuation was the only thing I could barely notice.
    The sun warmed the basalt where I stood barefoot in the cooling dusk watching my breath mix with the heavens. Lord knows I have forever changed my path.
    What sense do wanted promises make when they're already broken at the gate.

    {I would never leave until I did with wounded spirit and bloodied bandages. Oh how I did love you in those moments. Infatuation was the only thing I could barely notice.

    Oh I don't want to go back to where I don't know for I swam in deep ossuaries. }
    :|| x2

  • Last Leaf to Fall

    Don't know where you've been, you've been wandering near the orange aspens.
    Just one patch... in the knee of the jeans you wore when you were 16.
    Just one patch beneath the scree in a canyon by a little stream overflowing expansive dreams of one that you might've the last leaf to fall.
    The distances between become more or less like the street on which we met and revisit often as the dove will call.
    You see the twinkles in eyes less often than they are heard through disguise
    Hear the clapping of winged hands and the whistle offering nicer circumstance.
    I would love you longer than a tousled mountain rain dance. Oh the drumming of our hands as we run wildly to catch the last to fall.
    A pardon for it all, the last leaf to fall.
    I walked until the day I could once again see Narcussis' face to secure his lonesome grave with a mother's heart dangerously ablaze.
    Have I squandered my youth for the images I now have?
    But I would love you longer than a tousled mountain rain dance.
    Oh, has tenderness, and the senses and kisses made it more sad for the last leaf to fall.

  • Nonsense Comes Back

    Nonsense comes back like a broken door. Implacable minds always bring back scorn for those who have lived and through living made us think
    More of ourselves or wish they were gone so we could make them proud.

    Tight shoulders cringed next to your head thinking that you might rather be dead than face the tyranny, oh face the man never defined and instead taking the blame for all of our lies

    Buck on up bud, you know you care
    Cough it out hun, what is there to fear?

    Now I’m no woman and I’m no man
    Just a winded breath drawn cross the sand, cross the ages you might say people are throwing dimes away yelling from street corners “you are dumb”

    Jump start awake your eyes open wide from disbelief you are alive
    Sun peeking through the window blinds, inspiration swells in your mind. Once again you’ve closed the divide

    Find it that nothing is ever wrong but justified by something or someone all of life a faulty proof. Arguments made so you might loose semblance of self and your ability to choose

    Buck on up bud, you know you care
    Cough it out hun, what is there to fear?

  • Middle of the Lake

    Dear love is but a sign of ocean history
    Nigh a whisper feigned in galleries of memory
    Pencil stubs in the grit of the grind
    Compensatory dreams of a miserable mind

    Come on baby I rode the wave to the middle of the lake
    Where unknown is unfailing in its unchanging gait
    If not drowned by the weight of a frantic mind
    Will I rise to find that you tried to find me too?

    In the ease of morning parade I am afraid
    That all this beauty is just a mirage only I can see
    If not lost to layers of incandescent dream will I rise
    To find that you tried to find me too

    Dear haven’t you found profound rhymes are arbitrary
    Indiscriminate eyes dredging out fallacy
    Boney driftwood ribs of the whale
    Hallucinatory agents of emotional assail

    Come on baby I rode the wave to the middle of the lake
    Where unknown is unfailing in its unchanging gait
    If not drowned by the weight of a frantic mind
    Will I rise to find that you tried to find me too?
    // Won’t you meet me halfway?

  • Fat Beat Catastrophe

    Two steps back and it was everlasting
    Fast track on the fat beat high pass catastrophe

    No, I never had me no prince charming

    Follow the instigator to its dimension
    See you soon see you later not to mention
    Subtle blasphemy

    No, I never had me no prince charming

    You were the one oh weren’t you
    that wrote up the sins and the payments
    Said who was crazy and that’s the whole truth

    Fold the blankets the morning after
    Midnight fantasy supplants itself into waking reality

    No, I never had me no prince charming

  • Last Thing You'll Say

    Saw you lift your body off of my bones
    Look into my eyes as if you were alone
    Walk up basement entrance outside to in
    Saw you lift the door with a hrumph and a grin
    But for cat bones and sin there’s nothing there
    With joy of terror you alight the stairs
    The last thing you’ll say is
    You learn from your mistakes

    What’s never been said you can say it again
    If you’ve done it wrong you’ve done it the best way
    Oh you’ll learn, you’ll learn, you’ll learn from you mistakes

    On the empty streets of Albuquerque
    The drooping sunflowers destroy me
    Packed cafe black street car golden mosaic
    Why so plenty?
    Maybe I’ll find out someday if I learn from my mistakes

    Saw you lift your body off of my bones
    Look into my eyes as if you were alone
    Walk up basement entrance outside to in
    Saw you lift the door with a hrumph and a grin
    But for cat bones and sin there’s nothing there
    With joy of terror you alight the stairs
    The last thing you’ll say is
    Ha ha ha ha ha

  • Elberta Dunes

    My heart is in my throat and oh desire’s out the window
    But I spose it just goes to show
    That even though one can say
    Everything has it’s perfect place
    I can in return take
    “I want fate to rip my heart away and love to throw my out the gates
    If I knew better names I would use them”
    But should I need something more early one frosted autumn morn
    No I won’t blame you
    She’s dusted off her grapevine crown
    The dune with sand in her breast frowns
    The wind ever lusting after her death
    Lipless giants in the sky the god who is one big eye
    Promising through it’s constant rising
    When celebration meets reverence
    I’m taunted by the silence
    To stop this silly trying
    The heart in my throat bursts onto
    The mandala at centerfield
    The umpire yells “It is coming!”
    Frantic about important lack
    Tasty little ego snack
    Young one with yellow rucksack yawning
    With everything you own fallen out
    Cords like the guts of a trout
    Father conjured up from the earth
    I’ll stop once oh yes twice on the eroded hillside
    A rock will catch my eye
    But I know you, you demon thought
    And the insanity you’ve wrought
    Alongside complacent disaster
    So hold on just wait a sec
    I’ve not given up just yet
    Sprinting towards the sunset

  • Sometimes it's fine

    I’ve had many great ideas and little follow through, at least if you compare the ratio of the two, earing pretty skirts and sitting on burnt up stoops.
    I’d argue the house looks better this way with shit everywhere and the edges all frayed
    I’m used to it a social scientist might say
    Won’t you use that math degree, become a standard successful pedigree?
    Well I guess I got a little bit of barfly in me.

    Sometimes it’s fine, sometime’s I’m just getting by, and sometimes the sun always shine

    Been close to the top, perks of a small neighborhood, and at the bottom probably more than I could
    Harsh panel of critics and I’m the worse one
    Absent for event and menagerie, said all could have been child prodigy but for caustic environments and fucked up genes.
    And the rightness and wrongness of all possible things, feelings all clumped in a breakable ring
    And the compass says any direction is an alright way to go

    Sometimes it’s fine, sometime’s I’m just getting by - ah, who am I kidding?

    I’ve had some big wins and myriad losses to my chagrin
    Leads to contemplation “is it all worth it?”
    The kicker’s kicked the can down the street, the whitewater boys are about to meet will you jump in the water or take the safe seat
    Stopped by the doorman with his bell, threw in a a dollar for the thought about hell
    He said “Bliss is right there, right there, if only you could tell!”

  • Got it All

    I keep looking for something wrong
    for the birds to sing a new song
    for the words to bore everyone

    cause I just got a little bit above anything I'd ever dreamed of
    and I got it all

    The dreamer put a fool in me
    on the constant search for epiphany
    the meaning in every seed, what do the eyes wish to see?

    I keep looking for the flaw
    for the dark bruise in all this love
    for the nook hidden from the sun

    cause I just got a little bit above anything I'd ever dreamed of
    and I got it all, got it all, got it all

    There's a two track at the end of the street
    with dumb luck and blind hope meet
    all of my dreams and fantasy


    I just got a little bit above anything I'd ever dreamed of
    and I got it all, I got it all, I got it all

  • 19 Strides

    19 strides from the alley way, tin can stilts and lemonade, where stuffed animals reside in the dark cliff side retreating away from the light.

    10 slices of white bread from building the holy bridge, 5 feet of rainbow rope from the edge. Tell me does johnny have any common sense, overalls and six pence. Sally with the prism gold, just do the thing you're told. It's a matter of life and death or donning the fool's vest - a lineage a lot us been wearing. You think you're smart cause you heard what they said. Doorbell's ringing, will you answer it?

    Wired phone lines and twirly number pads breaking the people's communion bread. Locker rooms, lunch lines, and penmanship - the smiley woman who daily buys her wine. Dot your i's and mind your q's, choose the thing that you'll abuse cause you know you got it coming. Raised in the country, raised on the streets, raised on a lie so complete. All you need know it's neath someone elses feet. Pop cans, loose change, and reverie - tip your hat to the janitor steve equipped with that singing bass, making all the kids laugh. He said, "No matter how you've got it in life everyone's a child in God's eyes."

  • It All Means

    It all means, it all means
    nothing about me

    nothing about you
    It's all lost to sea


    autumn seeds

    blowing in the wind

    It'll all turn

    every last word

    into the dirt

    like a lighting bug

    All that remains

    are the songs we sing

    of the beauty living

    in everything.